ATS Match Rate and Report

Tired of automatic rejection letters for jobs you know you are qualified for?
Maybe it’s not you – it’s your ATS match rate score they’re rejecting.

Get my ATS Match Score NOW

What’s ATS?
It’s the software, collectively called “Applicant Tracking Systems,” which run your resume through an algorithm after you apply online. It’s the gatekeeper algorithm and you have to get past it to get your resume seen a person, much less get an interview.

Why do up to 90% of companies use ATS?
Because hundreds or thousands of applications come in, ATSs filter those resumes and decide if each one makes the cut to get sent a real person or not. You may very likely be receiving rejection emails from a computer that didn’t like your match rate, even though your resume was never seen by an actual human being.

How do I know my ATS match rate score?
You need to access ATS software. Anything less is a guess. What makes our company different is exactly this - we have invested in the software so we know what you need to beat it. When we write a resume, we run drafts through ATS until we’re sure it’s a high match rate for your ideal jobs. It will also be ATS compliant.

What is "ATS compliance" vs my "ATS match rate score?"
Anyone who says they can give you your match rate score without comparing your resume to a specific job listing is lying. Match rate is a specific comparison between your resume and the job you want. Some companies will sell you on ATS compliance (readability for the computer systems) but that is only half the battle. You need both compliance AND a high match rate.

Why does my ATS match rate score matter so much?
Think of it like a credit score. ATS is not a perfect system, but it is a system with specific metrics you need to comply with because it’s everywhere. Therefore, opinions mean nothing in the digital job market — and yet everyone still has one about resumes. It can drive you crazy. Stop guessing or listening to so-called “experts” online discussing resume styles etc. They’re just after clicks. Stop hoping your friend who worked in HR can show you what to do. TRUST THE DATA. Your score is what matters nowadays. No human will ever see your resume if it isn’t high enough.

So, now what?
Curious if your ATS score is working against you? Invest $10 bucks in yourself and find out. Let us run your current resume through our ATS algorithm against your ideal job listing. You will know if you’re matching well or not. Simple.

What will I find out?
You will get your score and a detailed report within 1 business day so you’ll know exactly what is going on when you send your resume out into the world. Then, once you have the data, you can decide if you need more help or not. We don’t want you pay for a service you don’t need.

Lastly, if we find out you are not matching and you want an expert to fix that, your $10 will go toward your new resume with us. You’ve got nothing to lose.

Get my ATS Match Score NOW